Tips To Prevent Identity Theft

It’s important to safeguard your personal information.  Data breaches increased 47% last year and affected 35.7 million Americans.  Here are some things you can do to protect your information from criminals:

  1. Don’t carry sensitive personal Information such as your Social Security Card with you.  Identity theft commonly results from information found in lost or stolen wallets, purses, mail or paper records.
  2. Don’t give out your Social Security number unless absolutely necessary – and never on unsolicited phone calls or emails.
  3. Shred account statements and any financial documents before you throw them away.
  4. Provide financial information only when you are on a secure website.  A secure Web address will begin with the letters “https” (instead of the usual “http”) and will often display a small padlock icon.
  5. Maintain up-to-date anti-virus, anti-spam and persona firewall software.  For reviews of the latest security software, see


Did you know?  $48 billion was the total cost of identity theft in 2008.  43% resulted from lost of stolen wallets, checkbooks and credit cards.  11% were committed online.


To further protect yourself and your family, check out WAWA’s Identity Theft Program that is available to members.

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